By now many of you have set a routine for our new ‘normal’ but if you haven’t I encourage you to do so. This will help reduce the anxiety of the uncertainty while increasing your control over the situation. Create your schedule on my weekly tracker.
If you are like me, you are getting cabin fever. What is a new skill you can learn? Can you do some spring cleaning? How can you change your routine? Make it more fun? Schedule time on my weekly tracker for these activities.
I have many of the people I work with track their mood and/or sleep. This helps us identify a pattern or triggers that are distressing. You can track these as well on my weekly tracker. That being said, if you are struggling with anxiety, depressed mood or sleep issues, please contact me to schedule an appointment. I offer teletherapy by phone or videochat.
I hope you find the tracker useful. Feel free to share with others who may find it helpful. Weekly Tracker
In the meantime, be safe.
Love yourself, you deserve it!