A number of years ago I received a blank journal as a gift. Not being one prone to record my thoughts and feelings on a routine basis, I chose a topic to keep me focused on writing regularly so that the pretty book was put to good use. The topic was gratitude. So every day for one whole year, I listed three things for which I was grateful. I doubt I missed a day.
Here is what I learned:
- There is an abundance of gratitude in the smallest of moments.
- Every day I found new ways to appreciate my loved ones, my surroundings, and the events of my life.
- Some days I could hardly wait to write a wonderful thought down in my journal.
- Other days I was determined that something good would happen.
- Or, sometimes a little attitude adjustment is in order.
- Focusing on what is purposeful, and shedding what is not, fosters gratitude.
- I could find something positive in anyone or anything.
- Even on the worst of days, there were always things for which to be to be grateful.
- Gratitude is contagious.
- Gratitude is good for mental health.
I hope that all of you had a blessed Thanksgiving.
In gratitude,
Wendy Yurk, MS, LPC