Movie Therapy For Your Mental Health

Cinematherapy, also known as movie therapy or film therapy, is a fascinating approach that uses movies and films to promote emotional well-being, self-reflection, and personal growth. Let’s delve into the world of cinematherapy: What Is Cinematherapy? Cinematherapy involves intentionally selecting and watching movies with the purpose of improving mental health, enhancing self-awareness, and addressing emotional issues. It recognizes […]
Anxiety Symptoms Explained

You may already know that anxiety is caused by uncertainty and danger, and can be triggered by nothing in particulary or by something specific, such as a smell or sound. When we are anxious we experience a variety of symptoms that can be annoying, confusing or scary, depending on their intensity. These symptoms all have […]
20 Ways to Calm Yourself

Its holiday season and you know what that means… increased stress and anxiety, at least for many of us. We usually know what our triggers are- family, not enough sleep, too much sugar- but less obvious is ways to manage our overactive nervous system. When someone tells you to “just calm down” and that doesn’t […]
Wisdom at the Vet

Yesterday I took my good girl Trixi to the vet because she has been limping for several weeks. This was my first visit to the veterinarian so Trixi and I were very anxious, because she is always an anxious doggy and so am I. While the doctor took Trixi out to assess her, I was […]
How to Change Your Brain

Routine and familiarity are the enemies of brain health. It is essential to challenge your brain with new experiences and new learning. If your daily habits and activities are done unthinkingly and with minimal effort, your brain is being degraded. Ways to Change Your Brain Make steady, measurable progress with new learning Count every little […]
Update on Junny, the GSD

Junny, our German Shepherd Dog, has graduated from Basic Obedience Training, with Intermediate Obedience Training starting soon. Meanwhile, we practice skills daily, and Junny is keeping Wendy’s toes warm while she talks to patients, via telehealth, from her home office. Junny is progressing well, so we are hopeful that she can be a regular at […]
Meet Junny!

Junny will be Wendy Yurk’s faithful companion while at-home telehealth continues. You can ask to meet her online during your session. Junny has a very easy-going and friendly personality. Wendy will be training her and getting her ready to be a therapy dog for dog-loving clients, in anticipation of a return to in-office therapy sessions. (For […]