Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Domestic Abuse

When people think of domestic violence, they often imagine physical abuse. However, domestic violence can be much more insidious and subtle, manifesting in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. Understanding these less visible signs is crucial for identifying and addressing abuse early on. Emotional Manipulation One of the most insidious forms of domestic violence is emotional manipulation. This can include: Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality or sanity. […]
Movie Therapy For Your Mental Health

Cinematherapy, also known as movie therapy or film therapy, is a fascinating approach that uses movies and films to promote emotional well-being, self-reflection, and personal growth. Let’s delve into the world of cinematherapy: What Is Cinematherapy? Cinematherapy involves intentionally selecting and watching movies with the purpose of improving mental health, enhancing self-awareness, and addressing emotional issues. It recognizes […]
Anxiety Symptoms Explained

You may already know that anxiety is caused by uncertainty and danger, and can be triggered by nothing in particulary or by something specific, such as a smell or sound. When we are anxious we experience a variety of symptoms that can be annoying, confusing or scary, depending on their intensity. These symptoms all have […]
What’s Keeping You Up At Night?

These days it seems that the majority of us are not satisfied with the quantity and/or quality of their sleep, and it isn’t for a lack of trying. We have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or wake up too early in the morning. This is normal, on occasion. However, if this is happening several times […]
Covid Isn’t the Only Thing That Has Spiked

Home. It is where the heart is. It is where more of us are working. It is where most of us quarantine during a pandemic. It is supposed to be a safe place, especially now. But home is not always a safe place for 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men. Nearly 700,000 […]
From Student To Intern

T Until you start an internship, you have no true grasp of what it takes to maintain a balance between sympathy and professional objectivity, or how important it is to listen to every single word uttered by the client, ask the right questions, and derive the appropriate treatment plan. However, very quickly into the internship […]
10 Reasons to Go to Therapy

You are repeating dysfunctional patterns. You want to develop new ways of thinking. You have tried doing what you know and aren’t making progress. You want to talk to a non-biased person. You want to end your negative self talk. You want to learn how to help someone who won’t go to therapy. You want […]
Abuse Is Not Love

October is associated with many things: fall, Halloween, candy corn, sweaters, football, breast cancer awareness. Lesser known is that October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Talking about domestic violence may not be easy, but it is important. Why? STATISTICS • On a typical day, domestic violence hotlines receive approximately 21,000 calls, 15 calls per […]
Divorce: The Number One Predictor

A few weeks ago, fellow therapist Tina Gray-Siebers wrote a very good post about some predictors of divorce. The predictors Tina discussed are criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt. One of those is the most harmful of all. It is contempt. Contempt is the single most corrosive behavior in a couple’s relationship, according to Dr. John […]