Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Domestic Abuse


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Male/female Brain Differences

Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Domestic Abuse

When people think of domestic violence, they often imagine physical abuse. However, domestic violence can be much more insidious and subtle, manifesting in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. Understanding these less visible signs is crucial for identifying and addressing abuse early on.   Emotional Manipulation One of the most insidious forms of domestic violence is emotional manipulation. This can include: Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality or sanity. […]

Tina Gray-Siebers Earns PhD!

I am very pleased and proud to announce Tina Gray-Siebers recently attained a PhD in neuropsychology from the Graduate University of America: the New School of Positive Psychology. Congratulations, Tina! Her doctorate studies included evolutionary psychology, birth order, differences of the male and female brain, neuroplasticity, and neuroscience of positive psychology. According to Tina, “My […]
