Help Your College Student Manage Back-to-School Anxiety


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Help Your College Student Manage Back-to-School Anxiety

As the new academic year approaches, many college students find themselves grappling with back-to-school anxiety. This is a common experience, and it’s important to recognize that you’re not alone. Whether you’re a freshman stepping onto campus for the first time or a senior facing the pressures of your final year, managing anxiety is crucial for […]

Discovering Your Life Purpose Through Art Journaling

Over the past couple weeks, there has been a common theme among many of the people I work with: a desire to have more meaning and purpose in their life. Dissatisfaction with work, little desire to leave the house, a lack of hobbies or enjoyable activities, mind-numbing scrolling on the phone… these are contributing to […]

Finding Balance: Addressing Burnout During Mental Health Awareness Month

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to breaking the stigma around mental health issues and promoting the message that seeking help is a sign of strength. This year, let’s shine a light on a common but often overlooked condition: burnout. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. […]

Benefits of Daily Rituals

Daily rituals can provide structure, consistency, and a sense of purpose and can be essential for building and maintaining healthy self-esteem. Here are 7 you can try out today. Love yourself, you deserve it!

Why Is Gratitude Important?

“Regularly practicing and expressing gratitude has many benefits, both short- and long-term. Psychologists have highly researched gratitude and find it to be among the main focuses of positive psychology. Evidence suggests that people who consciously count their blessings tend to be happier and less depressed. But how? Gratitude changes our brains. Research has found that […]

Anxiety Symptoms Explained

You may already know that anxiety is caused by uncertainty and danger, and can be triggered by nothing in particulary or by something specific, such as a smell or sound. When we are anxious we experience a variety of symptoms that can be annoying, confusing or scary, depending on their intensity. These symptoms all have […]

What’s Keeping You Up At Night?

These days it seems that the majority of us are not satisfied with the quantity and/or quality of their sleep, and it isn’t for a lack of trying. We have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or wake up too early in the morning. This is normal, on occasion. However, if this is happening several times […]

How to Change Your Brain

Routine and familiarity are the enemies of brain health. It is essential to challenge your brain with new experiences and new learning. If your daily habits and activities are done unthinkingly and with minimal effort, your brain is being degraded. Ways to Change Your Brain Make steady, measurable progress with new learning Count every little […]

Emotions: Are You Eating Them?

Emotional eating- what is it? If you eat for reasons other than hunger, it is certainly a cue. But emotional eating is more than that. It is sometimes known as stress eating because stress will trigger your eating, though happiness, sadness, anger and other emotions also trigger your eating. Emotional eating is an unhealthy relationship […]

Anxiety vs Worry

Anxiety and worry- we use these words interchangeably but they are not the same thing.  The dictionary defines anxiety as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome” and worry as “a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.” Similar, but not […]

Are You An Anxious Cat? Part 1

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues that make people decide to go to therapy. I personally am a pretty anxious person- according to my doctor, “You’re an anxious cat!” I have been anxious for as long as I can remember. According to his article Age of Onset: Earlier Than You Think […]

Live with Purpose

Conversations in my office are often about anxiety and depression, but lately I have had more people wanting to talk about their purpose. Feeling unhappy or unfulfilled, they want to know how to figure out this big and difficulty question: what is my purpose in life? Identifying your strengths can point you in the right […]