Movie Therapy For Your Mental Health


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Movie Therapy For Your Mental Health

Cinematherapy, also known as movie therapy or film therapy, is a fascinating approach that uses movies and films to promote emotional well-being, self-reflection, and personal growth. Let’s delve into the world of cinematherapy: What Is Cinematherapy? Cinematherapy involves intentionally selecting and watching movies with the purpose of improving mental health, enhancing self-awareness, and addressing emotional issues. It recognizes […]

Why Is Gratitude Important?

“Regularly practicing and expressing gratitude has many benefits, both short- and long-term. Psychologists have highly researched gratitude and find it to be among the main focuses of positive psychology. Evidence suggests that people who consciously count their blessings tend to be happier and less depressed. But how? Gratitude changes our brains. Research has found that […]

The Science of Tapping

If you know me, and/or work with me, you know that I love using EFT, or tapping, as a modality-  because it is so effective! I use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to reduce or eliminate the emotional distress related to your issues. For example, one of my clients had a phobia of needles and we […]

20 Ways to Calm Yourself

Its holiday season and you know what that means… increased stress and anxiety, at least for many of us. We usually know what our triggers are- family, not enough sleep, too much sugar- but less obvious is ways to manage our overactive nervous system. When someone tells you to “just calm down” and that doesn’t […]

What’s Keeping You Up At Night?

These days it seems that the majority of us are not satisfied with the quantity and/or quality of their sleep, and it isn’t for a lack of trying. We have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or wake up too early in the morning. This is normal, on occasion. However, if this is happening several times […]

Is Tapping Effective in Reducing Halloween Candy Cravings?

With Halloween just around the corner and Halloween candy has already been on the store shelves, our deconditioned, confectionary willpower muscles may be in need of some support. Some people just feel the dreaded holiday season coming, knowing the stress and guilt that is coming with all the food related activities. Some feel helpless against […]

Emotions: Are You Eating Them?

Emotional eating- what is it? If you eat for reasons other than hunger, it is certainly a cue. But emotional eating is more than that. It is sometimes known as stress eating because stress will trigger your eating, though happiness, sadness, anger and other emotions also trigger your eating. Emotional eating is an unhealthy relationship […]

10 Great Reads (+ One Fun Card Deck)

I love to read and am always happy to recommend books to anyone that asks me. I think books (or Barnes & Noble gift cards) are great gifts for holidays, birthdays, days that end in ‘y’… So even though you didn’t ask, I’m still gonna share. In no particular order, here are a few of […]

Stress Less This Holiday Season

How can you lower your stress? The holidays can be a joyful time, offering chances to reconnect with friends and family. But they can also be stressful and hectic. You may feel pressure to buy gifts, and you may be worried about money. Think about what triggers stress for you during the holidays. Then focus […]
