Help Your College Student Manage Back-to-School Anxiety


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Help Your College Student Manage Back-to-School Anxiety

As the new academic year approaches, many college students find themselves grappling with back-to-school anxiety. This is a common experience, and it’s important to recognize that you’re not alone. Whether you’re a freshman stepping onto campus for the first time or a senior facing the pressures of your final year, managing anxiety is crucial for […]

Finding Balance: Addressing Burnout During Mental Health Awareness Month

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to breaking the stigma around mental health issues and promoting the message that seeking help is a sign of strength. This year, let’s shine a light on a common but often overlooked condition: burnout. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. […]

The Science of Tapping

If you know me, and/or work with me, you know that I love using EFT, or tapping, as a modality-  because it is so effective! I use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to reduce or eliminate the emotional distress related to your issues. For example, one of my clients had a phobia of needles and we […]

What’s Keeping You Up At Night?

These days it seems that the majority of us are not satisfied with the quantity and/or quality of their sleep, and it isn’t for a lack of trying. We have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or wake up too early in the morning. This is normal, on occasion. However, if this is happening several times […]

Is Tapping Effective in Reducing Halloween Candy Cravings?

With Halloween just around the corner and Halloween candy has already been on the store shelves, our deconditioned, confectionary willpower muscles may be in need of some support. Some people just feel the dreaded holiday season coming, knowing the stress and guilt that is coming with all the food related activities. Some feel helpless against […]

Tap Yourself Calm

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an acupressure technique that combines elements from neuroscience, psychology, and Chinese medicine and is an evidence-based treatment for PTSD, anxiety, and stress. Best of all, it is easy to do and anyone can learn it. EFT can be used for a wide array of issues such overwhelm, anger, pain, limiting […]

How to Change Your Brain

Routine and familiarity are the enemies of brain health. It is essential to challenge your brain with new experiences and new learning. If your daily habits and activities are done unthinkingly and with minimal effort, your brain is being degraded. Ways to Change Your Brain Make steady, measurable progress with new learning Count every little […]

Emotions: Are You Eating Them?

Emotional eating- what is it? If you eat for reasons other than hunger, it is certainly a cue. But emotional eating is more than that. It is sometimes known as stress eating because stress will trigger your eating, though happiness, sadness, anger and other emotions also trigger your eating. Emotional eating is an unhealthy relationship […]