Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Domestic Abuse


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Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Domestic Abuse

When people think of domestic violence, they often imagine physical abuse. However, domestic violence can be much more insidious and subtle, manifesting in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. Understanding these less visible signs is crucial for identifying and addressing abuse early on.   Emotional Manipulation One of the most insidious forms of domestic violence is emotional manipulation. This can include: Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality or sanity. […]

Help Your College Student Manage Back-to-School Anxiety

As the new academic year approaches, many college students find themselves grappling with back-to-school anxiety. This is a common experience, and it’s important to recognize that you’re not alone. Whether you’re a freshman stepping onto campus for the first time or a senior facing the pressures of your final year, managing anxiety is crucial for […]

Anxiety Symptoms Explained

You may already know that anxiety is caused by uncertainty and danger, and can be triggered by nothing in particulary or by something specific, such as a smell or sound. When we are anxious we experience a variety of symptoms that can be annoying, confusing or scary, depending on their intensity. These symptoms all have […]

Sometimes 988, Sometimes Yurk Counseling Services

There is a new lifeline for mental health (Call 988) to call for help, starting today, July 16. The lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Please use this wonderful resource in times of need. See more about it here: […]

Covid Isn’t the Only Thing That Has Spiked

Home. It is where the heart is. It is where more of us are working. It is where most of us quarantine during a pandemic. It is supposed to be a safe place, especially now. But home is not always a safe place for 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men.  Nearly 700,000 […]

Emotions: Are You Eating Them?

Emotional eating- what is it? If you eat for reasons other than hunger, it is certainly a cue. But emotional eating is more than that. It is sometimes known as stress eating because stress will trigger your eating, though happiness, sadness, anger and other emotions also trigger your eating. Emotional eating is an unhealthy relationship […]

Are You An Anxious Cat? Part 1

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues that make people decide to go to therapy. I personally am a pretty anxious person- according to my doctor, “You’re an anxious cat!” I have been anxious for as long as I can remember. According to his article Age of Onset: Earlier Than You Think […]

From Student To Intern

Ariana Anderson

T Until you start an internship, you have no true grasp of what it takes to maintain a balance between sympathy and professional objectivity, or how important it is to listen to every single word uttered by the client, ask the right questions, and derive the appropriate treatment plan. However, very quickly into the internship […]

Stay Mentally Healthy

While we have had to change most of our normal activities, one thing should not change–taking care of your mental health. Actually, this is the time to prioritize it. Even if you are not panicking right now about the coronavirus pandemic, we are all especially vulnerable to stress, anxiety, excessive worry, depression, and feelings of […]

10% Happier

Every now and then I run across a resource that I think would be beneficial for others- this is one of those resources. It will lead you to a page loaded with podcasts, meditations, talks, and newsletters. I also believe this is an important time to practice gratitude to remember there are still good people […]

Self Harm

Many people harm themselves by smoking, drinking or working too much, but some people engage in more extreme self injury by deliberately cutting, burning, scraping or bruising themselves. People who self injure are not necessarily suicidal; rather it may be “I don’t want to die, I just need to get rid of these terrible feelings.” […]

September: Suicide Is Preventable

  Suicide Prevention Month Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. Suicide was the 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 10-34 in the US in 2017. On average, 1 person dies by suicide every 11 minutes in the US. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning youth are almost 5 times […]
