Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Domestic Abuse


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Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Domestic Abuse

When people think of domestic violence, they often imagine physical abuse. However, domestic violence can be much more insidious and subtle, manifesting in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. Understanding these less visible signs is crucial for identifying and addressing abuse early on.   Emotional Manipulation One of the most insidious forms of domestic violence is emotional manipulation. This can include: Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality or sanity. […]

What’s Keeping You Up At Night?

These days it seems that the majority of us are not satisfied with the quantity and/or quality of their sleep, and it isn’t for a lack of trying. We have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or wake up too early in the morning. This is normal, on occasion. However, if this is happening several times […]

Covid Isn’t the Only Thing That Has Spiked

Home. It is where the heart is. It is where more of us are working. It is where most of us quarantine during a pandemic. It is supposed to be a safe place, especially now. But home is not always a safe place for 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men.  Nearly 700,000 […]

Quarantini Anyone? When Everyday Drinking Becomes a Problem

‘“Days are now divided by coffee hours and alcohol hours,” the comedy writer Emily Murnane tweeted on March 31, nearly two weeks after states and cities around the United States began to issue stay-at-home orders. “There is no other law.” Zoom happy hours served as a break from isolation and a consolation prize for canceled […]